7 May 2024

The third and final phase of the Unit Titles (Strengthening Body Corporate Governance and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2022 relate to the long-term maintenance regime, the contract of service with a body corporate manager and the Regulator’s (MBIE) powers.

The final phase includes new regulations and updates to existing ones, these relate to: 

  • the types of information that have to be provided to the regulator on request
  • electronic voting rules and procedures; and
  • other minor matters including – clarification around the process for proxy voting procedures, requirements in the pre-purchase disclosure statement for off-the-plan units, and minor corrections to some of the regulated forms.

New and updated forms and resources will be available from the Unit Title Services website to support prospective buyers, unit owners and bodies corporate understand and comply with the new requirements.

Find out more about the changes:
Changes to the Unit Titles Act

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