You can refer to these templates for examples of long-term maintenance plans and matters contained in the Unit Titles Regulations such as pre-settlement disclosure, proxy appointment forms and more.


Unit Title Act disputes

Find out more about making an application to the Tenancy Tribunal or apply online now. 

Apply online(external link)

Short guide to unit titles

This guide is to help people who are considering buying a unit title property, or are already living in one. It outlines key rights and responsibilities, tells you where to find more information, and how to seek help if things go wrong.

Short guide to unit titles, 16 pages [PDF, 1.7 MB]

Long-term maintenance plan for a body corporate (complex)

There is currently no prescribed form for long term maintenance plans. This template has been created by as an example of how to provide the information required for a long term maintenance plan in Regulation 30 of the Unit Titles Regulations 2011.

Long-term maintenance plan for a body corporate (complex) - example [DOCX, 70 KB]

Long-term maintenance plan for a small unit title development

There is currently no prescribed form for long term maintenance plans. This template has been created as an example of how to provide the information required for a long term maintenance plan in Regulation 30 of the Unit Titles Regulations 2011.

Long-term maintenance plan for a small unit title development - example [DOCX, 28 KB]

Guide to pre-purchase disclosure

The Unit Titles Amendment Act 2022 includes requirements for a wider range of information to be provided to prospective buyers. It also provides buyers with additional rights if these requirements are not met.

Guide to pre-purchase disclosure, 8 pages [PDF, 1.4 MB]

Pre-settlement disclosure statement – existing units

Use this template if you are selling a unit in a unit title development where they have already entered into a sale and purchase agreement (section 147, Unit Titles Act 2010).

Pre-settlement disclosure statement - template [DOCX, 26 KB]

Pre-settlement disclosure statement – Off the plans​

There is currently no prescribed form for pre-settlement disclosure statements.  This template has been created by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment as an example of how to provide the information required for a pre-settlement disclosure statement in regulation 34 of the Unit Titles Regulations 2011.

Pre-settlement disclosure statement (Off the plans) [DOCX, 53 KB]

Form 10 – Certificate by body corporate: document signed on behalf of principal owner

The Form 10 template format is available in the Unit Titles Regulations on the Legislation website(external link)

Form 11 – Proxy appointment form

A blank proxy appointment form template for anyone wanting to appoint a proxy (section 102(3), Unit Titles Act 2010).

Form 11 - Proxy appointment form [DOCX, 37 KB]

Form 12 – Postal voting form

A blank postal voting form template for anyone wanting to vote by post on a resolution being considered at a body corporate meeting (section 103, Unit Titles Act 2010).

Form 12 - Postal voting form [DOC, 41 KB]

Form 13 – Notice of resolution to be decided without general meeting

A blank notice of resolution template for a body corporate wanting to decide on a resolution without holding a general meeting (section 104, Unit Titles Act 2010).

Form 13 - Notice of resolution to be decided without general meeting [DOC, 36 KB]

Form 15 – Notice of change to body corporate operational rules

A blank notice of change to body corporate operational rules template for a body corporate changing their body corporate operational rules (section 106, Unit Titles Act 2010).

Note: Lawyers and conveyancing practitioners can lodge the form electronically using Landonline. People not registered to use Landonline will need to lodge the form through their lawyer or conveyancing practitioner, or manually with Land Information New Zealand.

Instructions on how to lodge a manual dealing(external link) — Land Information New Zealand website.

Form 15 - Notice of change to body corporate operational rules [DOC, 38 KB]

Form 17 – Financial statement

A blank financial statement template for a body corporate preparing their financial statements (section 132, Unit Titles Act 2010).

Form 17 – Financial statement [DOC, 35 KB]

Pre-contract disclosure statement – existing units

A pre-contract disclosure statement template for anyone trying to sell a unit in a unit title development (section 146, Unit Titles Act 2010).

Pre-contract disclosure statement [DOCX, 42 KB]

Pre-contract disclosure statement – Off the plans

There is currently no prescribed form for pre-contract disclosure statements. This template has been created by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment as an example of how to provide the information required for a pre-contract disclosure statement for purchases off-the-plans in regulation 33 of the Unit Titles Regulations 2011. 

Pre-contract disclosure statement (Off the plans) [DOCX, 50 KB]

Form 19 – Turn-over disclosure statement

A blank turn-over disclosure statement template for an original developer turning over a unit titles development to a body corporate (section 156, Unit Titles Act 2010).

Form 19 – Turn-over disclosure statement [DOC, 38 KB]

Form 27 – Notice of objection to designated resolution

A black notice of objection template for anyone wanting to object to a designated resolution (section 213(3), Unit Titles Act 2010).

Form 27 - Notice of objection to designated resolution [DOC, 39 KB]

Request to appoint a Representative or Legal Counsel

Use this form to appoint a Representative or Legal Counsel to act on your behalf.

This form must be completed and received by Tenancy Services at least 6 working days before any scheduled hearing. In all other cases you will need to contact the Ministry of Justice directly.

Request to appoint a Representative or Legal Counsel [DOCX, 27 KB]

Rating form

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Last updated: 21 May 2024